Fan Art 2
artist: @2handillusion
Hi, I’m Ragdoll!! I’m a digital artist from the Uk. I’ve been a fan of Ninjago ever since the first season and love creating art for it. Both my Twitter and Instagram names are Ragdollarrt!!
Mint Art
Hello, I’m Mint Art. I was a fan of ninjago as a kid and I never really stopped being a fan. Ninjago has always inspired me to draw and I’m constantly trying to improve.
Quinn Parker
Text will follow soon
artist: @_L1_B1_
I’m Dani, and I’m a South African Ninjago fan who enjoys drawing fanart of the characters who have raised me as I’ve grown older.
I go by volezap on instagram, twitter and tumblr

She / Her | 16 years | I draw in my free time | I like to collect LEGO.
She also builds and sews the most amazing things. You can watch it here.
The Maroon Lightning
Hi, I’m TheMaroonLightning. I’m a high school student who has a passion and talent for art. I’ve been a fan for years but I officially joined the fandom in 2020. I’m happy to be part of this amazing community full of even more amazing people.
artist: @CiLundi
Hello world! My name is Paisley. I am a young asexual lesbian artist who has loved Ninjago from day one. This show always inspires me to create and design. Through this fandom I have met a few incredible people I am proud to call my friends. In case you have not noticed, my favourite characters are Zane, Pixal, and Harumi.
If you know this artist, please let them know that I am searching for them to change the social media details. You can also write me an message. Thank you, Devi (Admin)
Kay Dav
Hi! I’ve been a fan of Ninjago for the last decade. It’s pretty wild to see the way this show and fandom has grown with me. For years I always admired people who did anime art of the characters- earlier this year it occurred to me that I could do that myself! I had tried in the past here and there but now this is almost a project in itself to see how many characters I’ll get through. Maybe I’ll even do other Lego series eventually!

Hello! I’m Romi, or otherwise known as ninjagoxart! I’ve been a Ninjago fan since day 1 and am also an artist! I hope you enjoy my art!
Shade Rider
Heyo, My name is Mustafa Mohamad Ejaz aka the Shade Rider! I am 18 years I’ve been a fan of Ninjago since the pilot, it has inspired me in many ways, helped me hone my art skills, my passion and awe burns bright through my art
Hello, my name is SpectroFox, my nickname is Spectro. I do ninjago fanart, I’m practicing animation, and rarely do stop motions, but I mainly do fanart.