Since our beloved author Bragi Schut has announced his retirement as #cakejago king and host of this fun contest, we thought – why not pick up that torch and carry it on for the community to enjoy in the future?
We will organise 2 – 3 events over the year and there will be awesome prices as well! So strap on that pink apron, stay tuned for more info and look out for the hashtag #cakejago!
The rules you find here.
Winner Cakes
Summary Of Rules
- Duration: 4 weeks for baking and likes collecting + 2 weeks for final poll with finalists.
- Anyone can participate, age doesn’t matter.
- The cake must be self-made.
- The 4 cakes with the most likes after 4 weeks will be in the final poll.
- It has to be a Ninjago cake.
- Sometimes we give a theme, then the cake has to fit to this theme.
- A winning cake cannot be posted two times.
- Those who did not win, but made it into the final poll, will be allowed to enter next time.
- You can use the hashtag #cakejago, but please post the picture of your cake under the designated tweet
- Be civil
- Participation in cakejago constitutes consent for the cake to be published on this site
- And most important: HAVE FUN and ENJOY YOUR CAKE 🙂
We are looking forward to your creation: